Noise is unwanted sound as opposed to music and speach which provides entertainment and communication. Loud noise can damage your hearing. This damage cannot be repaired using a hearing aid.

삽교호 놀이기구


  • Difficulty in communicating due to high background noise
  • Increased stress levels due to loud noise
  • Temporary hearing loss after one off exposure to high noise levels
  • Permanent hearing loss due to repeated exposure to loud noise.


  • Your Employer must carry out Noise Assessments if noise in the workplace reaches levels likely to damange your hearing as well as take measures to reduce noise at source.
  • Certain prescribed levels are defined in The Noise At Work Regulations.
  • At levels at and above 90 dB (the level at which you can’t hold a conversation at 1 meter) you must wear hearing protection.
  • There are many different types of ear protection available ranging from helmet mounted ear muffs to ear plugs. Ear plugs give very effective protection against noise but are more difficult to fit.
  • To fit an ear plug firstly ensure that your hands are clean. Then hold the plug between your finger and thumb roll it until thin. Reach over your head and lift your ear with on hand and insert the plug with your other. Hold the plug gently in position while it expands and then release.
  • In some circumstances (very heavy piling/working alongside aircraft) then special hearing protection is required which could mean specific ear muffs or ear muffs and ear plugs are worn together.
  • If your hearing is already poor it is even more important that you look after the hearing you have left.
  • Always replace covers and mufflers on noisy machinery


  • How can you tell if there is a noise problem in your workplace?
  • How do you fit foam earplugs?
  • What problems do loud noises in the workplace cause?


Always wear hearing protection in the signed areas, when using air tools or when you can’t hold a conversation at 1 meter. You can’t repair your hearing once it is damaged.


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