Safety Talk



Personal hygiene is very important in any industry, Construction is no exception. Personal cleanliness will reduce the chances of you, your colleagues and familites catching and suffering the ill effects generated by your work activities. Don’t take your hazards home.


  • Dermatitis and skin cancers from substances being in contact with the skin
  • Infection from toilets.
  • Cuts and sores being infected.
  • Eating contaminated food.
  • Disease and infection from vermin, rats and mice.


  • Use the washing facilities provided. Good welfare facilties can play an important part in protecting the health of everyone involved in the work place.
  • Wash hands and face before eating, drinking, smoking, before and after using the toilet.
  • Only eat, drink and smoke away from the site of exposure.
  • Always ensure that food is stored in sealed containers.
  • Always ensure that food is stored in sealed containers.
  • Be certain all food scraps and waste are disposed of properly at the end of each day. These attract vermin which spread disease.
  • Make sure as few people as possible are exposed to the substances by excluding people not directly involved in the work from the contaminated area.
  • Make sure those at risk know the hazards (COSHH)
  • Cover up all cuts and sores, changing dressings regularly, checking for infection.
  • Use barrier creams if arms and hands are not covered by clothing or gloves.
  • Don’t put on clothing which is contaminated with oil or other substances next to the skin.
  • Report any diarrhoea or vomiting to your supervisor.


  • How can you portect cuts and sores from being infected?
  • How should we control food waste?
  • What should you report to your supervisor?


Today’s unhygienic action could be tomorrows sickness for you or your work mates.


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