Fall from height is the Constructio Industries biggest killer and accounts for 50% of the Construction Industries deaths every year. Falling objects is another of the Construction Industries biggest killer but this has reduced with the requirement to wear hard hats.


  • Falling through Scaffolds
  • Falling off Scaffolds
  • Falling objects
  • Scaffold collapsing due to overloading
  • Scaffold collapsing due to not being tied or braced properly


  • Only competent scaffolders are allowed to erect, alter or dismantle scaffolds
  • Never remove or alter any part of a scaffold unless trained and authorized to do so
  • Ensure that scaffolds are properly boarded (that means no gaps!) and fitted with guard-rails and toeboard
  • Report any defective scaffolding immediately. Defective means; toeboards missing, guard-ails missing, ladders to short, access ways blocked or scaffold feels unstable
  • Never use a scaffold whilst it is being erected, dismantled or in any way incomplete. Obey the warning notice – they are for your protection
  • Do not overload a scaffold know how much material the scaffold can support
  • Do not stack material in such a way that they could fall over and injure work mates or the public below. If loose material is stacked on a scaffold, such as bricks, then brick guards should be fitted to the area where the bricks are stacked
  • Never throw materials down from a scaffold
  • Never jump from or climb a scaffold. Always use the safe access provided
  • Ensure that any ladder used for access onto a scaffold is securely lashed and footed, that it raizes about 1 meter above any landing place and that it is at an angle of approximately 1 out 4 up


  • Who is allowed to erect, dismantle or alter a scaffold?
  • What height should a ladder extend above the landing?
  • What should be in place when stacking loose materials on a scaffold?



Rememver falls are the Industries biggest killer. Avoid them at all costs. Only use proper erected Scaffold Platforms.


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