Safety Talk




Many of the substances used in construction can damage skin if suitable precautions are not taken. Cements, epoxy resins, paints, mineral oils etc. can cause prolems such as chemical burns, dermatitis and sometimes skin cancers.

The precautions required are laid down in the COSHH Assessment for the substance in use. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is very often required and must be worn. Personal hygiene is very important.


  • Skin irritation from contact with substances
  • Dermatitis caused by sensitisation to substances at work
  • Skin cancer from contact with mineral oils and other hazardous material
  • Skin damage caused by working with strong cleaners


  • Keeping your skin as healthy as possible is most important. Dry, crancked or damaged skin will allow harmful substances to pass into the skin faster than if the skin were healthy
  • Dermatitis can be a very distressing condition and at worse prevent you from earning a living
  • Personal hygiene is most important. Always wash your skin after contact with harmful substances and before eating, drinking or smoking
  • If you discover any new skin rashes or moles, tell your Safety Adviser or Supervisor and consult your Doctor
  • Before work, barrier creams are sometimes availave as an extra aid to skin care. They are no substitute for gloves or PPE
  • Using reconditioning cream will help keep your skin in peak condition and is useful both before and after work
  • Do not wear contaminated clothing or gloves as the substance will be in constant contact with your skin
  • When washing do not use a cleanser that is stronger than needed. Strong cleansers and thinners remove far and moisture from the skin reducing its natural protection. The use of reconditioning cream after working will repair some of the damage


  • What is the most effective measure in protecting your skin from harmful substances?
  • Why is keeping your skin healthy important?
  • What are skin recoditioning creams used for?


Always wear the PPE identified in the COSHH Assessment when using a substance. Look after your skin, paying close attention to personal hygiene.


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