Safety Talk



Working at Height continues to be the Construction Industries biggest killer, with falls accounting for 50% of all the deaths in construction. Approximately 40 people a year are killed by falls from height. The cause of most of these accidents were very basic and simple i.e. unlashed ladders, incomplete working platform, guard-rails and toeboards missing openings in floors not securely covered or guarded.


  • Incomplete scaffolding
  • Unsecured ladders
  • Falling objects
  • Scaffold collapse


  • Never work off an unsecured ladder.
  • Ladders must be lashed or footed.
  • Scaffolding must have safe access onto a completely boarded platform which is fitted with guard rails and toeboards fitted on all open edges.
  • If you have to work outside the guard rails even for seconds make sure you are wearing a full safety harness which is clipped to a secure anchor point.
  • Never leave openings in floors unprotected.
  • Protect openings in floors with guard rails and toeboards or cover over and fasten down.
  • Covers over holes must be strong enough to support the weight likely to be placed on it and fixed into position to prevent accidental dislodgement. Mark all coves “Hole below” or similar type of warning.
  • If you work off a mobile scaffold tower always lock the wheels, make sure guard rails and toeboards are in position and the platform is fully boarded.
  • Never ride on the platform of a mobile tower scaffold. Move it by pushing it form the base.
  • Never place steps or ladders on the platform of any scaffold.
  • All scaffolds to be marked as fit for access by competent system ie (Scafftag)


  • What must a ladder be before it is used?
  • What 4 items must a scaffold have for it  to be considered safe?
  • What must you do with a harness for it to work?


A safety Harness will only save you when it is clipped onto a secure anchor point. Falls from height are the Industries biggest killer, no one is expecting you to take risks. If there are areas you have to work in where there is a risk of a fall, report it, do not ignore it, you have a legal duty to do so.


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