Safety Talk




As soon as the sun comes out we all feel a little more light hearted, however during the sporing, summer and autumn months too much sunlight could be bad for the skin. At the moment there are around 40,000 cases of skin cancer reported every year and it is the second most common form of cancer in the world.


  • Ultraviolet rays, UVA penetrates deep into the skin and cause ageing whilst UVB are the burning rays
  • High temperatures that could cause various adverse health conditions such as heat stroke or exhaustion
  • High levels of illumination which could be visually disabling such as a backsman looking directly into sunlight
  • The long term effects of exposure resulting in skin cancers


  • People with fairskin and red or blond hair are most at risk of suffering from over exposure
  • Sunburn hurts and if its very bad we can feel sick or dizzy, think of the implications of working at heights if you get dizzy
  • The best protection is to shade your skin form the direct sunlight
  • A suntan you may have got on holiday may give some protection against burning but does not eliminate the long term cancer risk
  • Ordinary clothing made from close woven fabric such as a long sleeved shirt and jeans (not dark cloured) will stop most of the Ultra Violet rays
  • Wear your helmet at all times, a hanging flap can protect the back of your neck if you work leaning forward such as kerb laying
  • Keep your shirt on, don’t be tempted to leave off your shirt, skin that hasn’t seen the sun for months burns easily
  • The first warning sign is often a small scabby spot which does not clear after a few weeks. Look for changed or newly formed moles or any skin discoloration
  • If ou notice any of these signs consult your doctor and explain you have an outdoor job
  • Have shade available, keep drinking water at hand and cool yourself down regularly
  • Sufferers should take a cool shower or take the heat out of the skin by generously applying a non-perfumed emollient cream to rehydrate the skin. If the problem is adverse then medical advise may have to be sought

사우디아라비아 – 숙소에서


  • What are the main hazards of working in the sun?
  • Who is most at risk if they are working in the sun?
  • What actions should you take if you notice changes in your skin?



Keep you clothes on!  and don’t delay.  if you think that something might be wrong.  get it looked at quickly


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