Safety Training

Control of Hazardous Substances

위험물질사용에 대한 교육을 목적으로 합니다.

우리나라의 물질안전보건자료 보건교육으로 판단해주세요.

아래 교육자료를 통해, 해외에서도 위험물질 사용교육을 하고 있다는 점.




Hazardous Substanes.



For recording and controlling the use of all hazadous substanes

to protect the health of workers working with substances hazardous

to health and to reduce the impact of hazardous substanes

on the environment at onstruction site







Main a list of all the substances used and the work proesses

that might involve the generation of substances

that might be hazardous to health





[Sources of Information]

1) Information on labels complying with the chemicals

2) Information provided by the manufacturer or Supplier of the substance







Hazardous substances are classified as follows;



[Three Ways]

Entering the Body in three ways;



[Prior to the use]

Prior to the use of any substance classified

as hazardous all precautions must be available;





Control of Substance Hazardous to Health

Control of Substance Hazardous to Health



[COSHH Assessment]




Control measures to prevent or limit exposure to hazardous substances




If accidental releases or leakage’s of a hazardous substance are possible,

despite control measures,

an EMERGENCY PLAN should be instigated for achieving control

and safeguarding the health of personnel.





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