전기 사용에 있어서 가장 위험한 점은 무엇일까요?

개인적으로 에너지라는 막연한 단어에 들어있는 

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만져지지 않고,

보이지 않으며,

냄새도 없는 에너지라는 점이죠!!

잘못 사용된 에너지가 우리 안전의 치명적인 위험요인이 될 수 있습니다.

아래는 전기안전교육 자료입니다.

일반 근로자를 대상으로 작성하여 교육자료로 바로 사용이 가능할 것 입니다.


[Electrocution Statistics]

  • About 5 workers are electrocuted every week
  • Causes 12% of young worker workplace deaths
  • Takes very little electricity to cause harm
  • Significant risk of causing fires
  • The most potential area of Risk
  • Second leading cause of death in construction

[Electrical Definition]

[Mishap Outcomes]




Arc Flash / Arc Blast



[Common Direct Causes]

[Common Indirect Causes]


[Electrocution & Shock]

[Electrical Shock]

    Dangers of Electical Shock

  • Currents greater than 75 mA can cause ventricular fibrillation
  • Will cause death in a few minutes unless a defibrillator is used
  • 74 mA is not much current – a small power drill uses 30 times as much

[Electrical Shock Chart]

[Arc Flash/Blast]

[Fire & Explosion]

[Qualified Personnel]

Electrical work shall be performed by Qualified Personnel

with verifiable credentials who are familiar

with applicable code requirement

[Controlling Electrical Hazards]

Organization uses various methods to protect

all people involved from hazards associated with electricity

[Safety Distance]

Commonly used with regard to power lines

[Isolation & Guarding]

[Enclosure of electrical parts]

A major concept of electrical wiring in general, e.g., 

all connections are made in a box


  • Required for  all non-current carrying exposed metal parts, unless isolated or guarded as above
  • All electrical circuits, equipment and enclosures shall be grounded to provide a permanent, continuous, and effective path to ground
  • Corded tools may be either grounded or be double-insulated


  • Intact insulation allows safe handling of everyday electrical equipment, including corded tools. Category also includes insulated mats and sleeves


Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

  • Using insulated gloves and other apparel to work on energized equipment, limited to qualified and trained personnel working under very limited circumstances


[Ground Fault Circuit Interrupter]


All receptacle outlets that provide temporary electrical power during construction, maintenance, repair, or demolition shall have GFCI protection for personnel

[Testing GFCI’s]

[Lock out / Tag out Procedures]

  • Identify sources of electrical energy for equipment/circuits in question
  • Disable backup energy sources
  • Identify shut-offs for each energy source
  • Notify all personnel that equipment and circuitry must be shut off, locked out, and tagged out 


[Recognize Hazards]

[Protective Measures]


눈에 보이지 않는 전기는 코끼리까지 사망에 이르게 하는 위험요인을 갖고 있습니다.


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