Safety Training

Fire Prevention & Protection

화재사고 예방에 관한 교육 자료 입니다.

최근 소방법도 개정되고 더욱 강화되어 가고 있습니다.

어릴적부터 학교에서 불조심을 배우는 것과 같이 누구에게나 필요한 교육이라 생각됩니다.

필수적인 교육이므로 외국인 근로자, 외국 친구들이 꼭 이해할 수 있도록 천천히 똑똑히 교육을 진행해야 할 것 입니다.

Fire Prevention & Protection




to prevent fires from occurring or spreading on projects

to prevent loss of life, serious injuries and damange to plant, equipment and structures

[Fire Science]



[Claa “A” Fires]

  • ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth etc.

[Class “B” Fires]

  • Flammable liquids such as oil, grease etc.

[Class “C” Fires]

  • Energized electrical equipment

[Class “D” Fires]

  • Flammable Metals



[Fire Extinguisher]

  • Extinguisher is an active fire protection device used to extinguish or control small fires, often in emergency situations

[To Use a Fire Extinguisher]

  • How to use a fire extinguisher. It’s easy to remember how to use a fire extinguisher if you remember the acronym




[Fire Prevention Device]


[To Prevent  Fire]

[Fire Pretection Plan]




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