42. Rigging
General Rigging equipment for material handling shall be inspected prior to use on each shift and as necessary during its use to ensure that it is safe. Each day before being used, the sling and all fastenings and attachments shall be inspected for damage or defects by a competent person designated by the employer.
Riggers should keep their hands, fingers and feet clear of pinch points. Be aware of stacked material when lifting to avoid knocking it over with a swinging load. Use a designated spotter during lifting to ensure proper clearances are maintained. Check for overhead power lines before lifting a load

Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Fire and/or Explosions | 1. A little knowledge can be dangerous. | 1. Rigging operations shall only be performed by competent riggers.
2. Other personnel may assist in rigging operations (if experienced). However, A rigger shall examine all rigging prior to commencing a lift. 3. Toolbox talks shall be held prior to all major or unusual lifts to ensure that all personnel are aware of the operation. |
Lifting from fixed or partly fixed structures | 1. Serious accidents can occur if lifts are carried out from fixed or partly fixed structures which are not designed. | 1. Rigging and slinging from existing equipment and pipework is strictly prohibited.
2. Beam clamps shall be utilized wherever possible. 3. When rigging and from existing structures, anchor points shall be adequate size and strength to support the lift. 4. If lifting from an existing padeye, all welds shall be checked for cracks by use of NDT. 5. If doubt ask your supervisor. |
Over exposure to fumes and/or vapours | 1. Serious accidents can occur if lifting operations are not adquately panned. | 1. Lift shall be planned and assessed “From start to finish”
2. Equipment requirements shall be esterblished prior to commening. 3. Area shall be barricaded to protect other personnel. 4. Lifts shall be left or suspended on rigging for long periods of time. 5. All personnel shall be adviced about the lift at the toolbox talk meeting(TBM) prior to commencing work. |
Faulty Lifting Equipment | 1.Caused by a lack of maintainance, physical damage or by using lifting outside its capabilities (Exceeding its SWL.) | 1. Color coding and test certification shall be checked to ensure that they are in date.
2. All equipment shall be inspected for damage prior to use. 3. All equipment shall be of adequate rating to perform operation. 4. On completion of task, check and return all equipment to storage. 5. Any damaged equipment shall be properly maintained and inspected on a weekly basis. 6. All equipment shall be properly maintained and inspected on a weekly basis. |
Unconrolled Lifts | 1.Can cause damage to plant and/or equipment and could also result in serious personnel injuries. | 1. Where applicable, method statements shall be read to establish specific precautions necessary.
2. Single point lifting shall be avoided (Wherever possible) 3. If direct lifting is not possible, Use of hold backs/ tag lines shall be utilised to avoid the load from swinging. 4. Lifting/ Rigging operations shall be carried out to approved codes of practice. 5. Short cuts cause accidents and shall not be taken. 6. Barrier off area prior to commencing operations. 7. If doubt ask your supervisor. |
Nips, Cuts, Slips and Trips | 1. Can occur through handling materials without sufficient PPE or poor housekeeping standards. | 1. Suitable personnel protective equipment shall be used at all times.
2. Safety harnesses shall be worn (and attached) when working at heights of 2 meters and over. 3. Work areas shall be kept clean and tidy to prevent slip and trips. 4. Unused equipmnet shall be checked and returned to storage. 5. Any potential risks not identified in this assessment shall be noted and raised during tool box meeting prior to work commencing and controls implemented. 6. Anti-cut gloves shall be used when using rigging knives to erect wind sheeting or habits. |
Faulty Lifting Equipment | 1.Inadequate crane positioning | 1. Crane must position on stable ground and put the outrigger pad.
2. Crane out-rigger must be on the top of the beam so that the weight will be on the beam. |

Rigging, 우리나라에서는 신호수(?), 양중작업을 이야기 할 수 있습니다.
우리나라에서는 아직 Rigger Certificate 제도가 없습니다.
외국의 경우, Rigger Certificate를 운영해서 Level I, II, III 등으로 등급을 나누어 두었습니다.
10톤 이하 중량물에 대해서는 Level III 가 신호수 업무를 할 수 있고… 이상의 중량물에 대해서는 그 이상의 Level를 취득한 사람만이 신호업무를 할 수 있습니다.
또한 Rigging Plan (중량물 취급작업) 역시, Rigger 의 일정 Level을 갖은 사람으로부터 인정을 받아야만, 승인된 Rigging Plan으로 인정됩니다.
그래서 대형 구조물, 기계 등의 Rigging Plan은 높은 등급의 레벨을 갖고 있는 Rigger가 작성할 수 있습니다.