44. Steel Structure Election
As far as practicable the safety of workers employed on the erection of steel and prefabricated structures should be ensured by appropriate means, such as provision and use of:
(a) ladders, gangways or fixed platforms;
(b) platforms, buckets, boatswain’s chairs or other appropriate means suspended from lifting appliances;
(c) safety harnesses and lifelines, catch nets or catch platforms;
(d) power-operated mobile working platforms.
– from ILO Safety and health in construction: ISBN 92-2-107104-9

Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Injury and Damage | 1. Poor communication betewwn work parties
2. Lack of Safety Awareness and knowledge for task |
1. All operative persons to have received site induction & additional, appropriate training
2. All tasks carried out by trained, authorized and competent personnel only 3. Secure / apply all PTW & support documents prior to start of job and kept in one folder (lsolation, JSA, excution plan etc.) 4. Conduct safety TBT, TBM and discuss the JSA & Work procedures prior to start of work 5. All personnel will wear the appropriate PPE for their specific task. |
Hand and Back Injury | 1. Improper mavement of materials/ equipment
2. As incorrect manual handling |
1. Ensure adequate manpower for the job
2. Use correct manual handling techniques. 3. Good coordination and communication between team members 4. Check access route is clear of all potential obstacles/ trips hazards 5. Do not keep hands and finger in trap points |
Collision and Trap | 1. Can occur that operator is not certified
2. Failure of movement of materials. equipment
3. Lack of method statement for specific job |
1. Use mechanical means where possible
2. Ensure all emergency access route are kept clear at all times 3. Ensure all equipment is adequate for the purpose and has correct certification 4. Flag man or supervisor to assist heavy equipment movement 5. All materials and eqipments must be placed in designated areas 6. Ensure about the simultaneous acticities in neighboring area 7. Place proper signages to restrict unauthorized entry to work place |
Fire or Explosion | 1. Can occur that do not have inspection of equipment/materials
2. Inadequate use of equipment such as generators, etc.
3. Lack of safety equipment or devices |
1. Only inspected and certified equipment at site
2. Stay fire watch and fire extinguisher at all times during hot work 3. Never use a generator in enclosed ro partially enclosed spaces 4. Generator shall turn off and let it cool before refueling. 5. Fuel spilled on hot engine could ignite 6. Alway store fuel on the designated area away from the equipment and hot works activity 7. Generator shall be provided drip tray and use panel when refueling the engine. 8. Hot work to be done where possible away from the potential fuel source & combustible materials 9. Use fire blankets to restrict and localize the ignition source |
Eye Injury | 1. Can occur that PPE is not worn during fitting and erection | 1. Safety Glasses to be worn at all times on site.
2. A full face shield with safety glasses or goggles is to be worn when cutting steel with a cutting wheel 3. Suitable screens will be used to minimize flash exposure when required |
Burns | 1. Can cause by flash back from flame cutting equipment
2. Contact with hot metal during hot work operation |
1. Wear gloves to protect hands from excess heat during hot work
2. Production of sparks and slag to be minimized and contained wherever possible 3. All flame cutting equipment to be inspected by competent person and tagged before use 4. All falme cutting equipment to be fitted with spark arrestors 5. The welder shall notify anyone in the immediate area of his intention to strike an Arc. 6. Suitable screens will be used to minimize flash exposure when required 7. Welding face shields with the correctly tinted screens shall be used when wilding 8. Full sleeve coveralls to avoid burn injuries |
Fals of personenl | 1. Can occur that workers perform the task on working at height
2. Lack of Safety Awareness
3. Not comply with procedures for working at height |
1. Scaffold must be erected by the competent person for the safe usage of the scaffold structure
2. Ensure inspected and green tag for use of scaffold 3. Ladders maintain the inspection log. visual inspection shall be done prior to daily use 4. Do not stand or sit on a two rungs of step ladder. 5. 3(three) point body contact must be implemented when using a ladder |
Electrocution and Electric Shock | 1. Cause by use of improper electrical equipment | 1. All electrical and hand tools to be inspected before use by the operators
2. All electrical equipment shall have current inspection tag before use. 3. Power to electrical equipment shall be run through earth leakage detection circuits (GFCI) |
Falling Load (lifting work) | 1. Can occur use of improper equipment such as damaged sling, clamp, etc
2. Failure of operating crane or method of works
3. Not comply with safety precedures |
1. Chains, slings and other attachments are to be tested and tagged with Safe Working Load(SWL). Work Limit Load (WLL) identified,
2. Chains, slings and other attachments are to be tested and tagged by competent person 3. Lifting equipment is to be inspected for damage, including stretching and surface damage to links and nicks to slings prior to each use by the person sling the load. 4. Slings of different types are only to be joined using shackles or hooks slings are only to be combined ro joined if they equal or exceed the original load weight to be lifted. 5. Shackles are to be used where slings are attached to eyebolts or lugs. 6. All hooks are to be supplied with safety latching devices to prevent load movement 7. Multiple slings are to be shackled together on the hook 8. Store fabric slings away from chemicals 9.Torn or damaged fabric slings are not to be used 10. Slings are to be positioned over flat surfaces not over sharp edges or corners 11. Secure the lifting area from unauthorized entry 12. Tag lines of no less than 16mm natural fiber rope or equivalent are to be used as necessary to control load sway 13.For large or long loads (more than 12m) attach 2 taglines with 2 tag line controllers. 14. Make sure the load is balanced and not top heavy 15.Do not stand between the load and other obstructions 16. Keep hands and feet well clear of pinch points |
Falling Load (Forklift) | 1. Can occur inadequate use of forklift | 1. Know its limits, know the load chart.
2. Check surrounding for possible hazards before moving 3. Check overhead hazards before moving 4. Check overhead hazards before travelling 5. Size up the load and ensure it’s within vehicle’s capacity 6. Load center close to face of carriage 7. Place heavier end close to face of carriage 8. Keep path of travel clear 9. Clear your cabin of any sight obstruction 10. Assign flagman with high visibility vest to control the movement of the equipment |
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