51. Working in Adverse Environmental Conditions
- High/low temperature or temperature changes
- Stale/stuffy air and dry or humid air
- Insufficient day light and low quality general lighting
- Crowded workplace
These findings are related to the health symtoms suffered by the occupants. Those who experience symptoms of ill-health are the least satisfied with the environmental conditions at thier place of work. It is evident that the occupants believed that health symptoms can affect their productivity because it can result in absenteeism., leaving work early, feeling lethargic, depression or headaches.

Control Measures – Simple Steps
- avoid work at height where it’s reasonably practicable to do so
- where work at height cannot be easily avoided, prevent falls using either an existing place of work that is already safe or the right type of equipment
- minimise the distance and consequences of a fall, by using the right type of equipment where the risk cannot be eliminated
Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
High Temperatures (Hot) | 1. Accidents/Incidents can occur through stress and fatigue when personnel are subjected to continuous working at high temperatures without implementing sufficient recover/rest breaks or suitable engineering controls to reduce the temperature. | 1. Supervisors shall implement all available control measures to reduce the temperature to an acceptable level (using fans, air-movers. etc.)
2. Supervisors shall ensure that alternative controls are introduced so as to minimise any possbility of accidents/incident caused by stress and/or fatigue (such as sufficient recover/rest breaks, job rotation, etc.) where the temperature cannot be reduced. |
Low Temperature (Cold) | 1. Accidents/incident occur through stress and fatigue when personnel are subjected to continues working at low temperatures without implementing sufficient recovery/ rest breaks or suitable engineering controls to increase the temperature. | 1. Supervisors shall implement all available control measures to increase the temperature to an acceptable level.
2. Supervisors shall ensure alternative controls are introduced to minimize any possiblity of accidents/incidents caused by stress and/or fatigue (such as sufficient recovery/rest breaks, job rotation and/or issuing personal protective equipment (PPE) etc. |
Strong Winds | 1. Accidents can occur during strong winds, especially when personnel are working at heights or where the task in hand requires a certain amount of balance, etc. | 1. Supervisor shall implement control measures to protect personnel from strong winds at work (by using wind shields, tarpaulins, etc.)
2. Fall protection devices shall be implemented (such as harnesses, inertia reels, etc.) when personnel are working at heights. 3. If at any time personnel feel at risk on the job in hand, then stop work and report to the supervisor. |
Rain, Sleet and Snow | 1. Can cause a number of potential hazards, mainly through personnel slipping on icy or wet surfaced (especially if surfaces are greasy) and/or by impaired vision caused by falling rain, sleet and snow (especially) if driven by strong winds. | 1. Supervisors shall ensure that control measures are introduced to ptotect personnel while at work (such as tarpaulins or PPE, etc.)
2. Where work is to be carried out at heights or in places where potential falls are present suitable fall protection devices shall be implemented (such as harness, inertia reels, etc.) 3. Access/egress routes shall be maintained to the highest possible standard so as to reduce the possiblilities of personnel slipping on surfaces. |
모두 공감하시죠?? ^^
꼭 야외에서 근무하는 사람을 대상으로 하진 않는다 봅니다.
사무직의 경우에도 일하는 환경/여건이 안좋아 생산성 약화 및 건강 이상 등의 문제가 발생할 수 있다는 것 입니다.
모든이가 좀 더 나은 여건에서 좋은 환경에서 일하고 싶은 것 아닐까요?
또한, 가장 중요한 것은 누구와 일한다는 것이죠!!
제 경우, 해외 동남아에서 겨울을 3회를 보내고, 한국의 겨울을 맞이하여 근무 중입니다.
우리나라 겨울을 잊고 있었는데, 최근 몸소 느끼고 있습니다.
많이 춥네요;;;;;;
우리나라 1년 근무하면 High Temp. & Low Temp. 를 이겨내야 하니,
야외에서 근무하는 분들의 노고에 고개가 숙여집니다.
건강하고 따뜻한 겨울 보내세요~~