55. Working on Scaffolding
Safety Tips To Avoid Scaffolding Hazards
There are many ways for employers to protect their employees from scaffolding-related accidents. Additionally, employees themselves have a responsibility for their own safety.
The following are several tips employers and employees can follow to prevent scaffolding hazards and accidents while on the job site.
1. Use proper safety equipment
First of all, personal protective equipment (PPE) is a must when working in any industrial or construction setting, especially at height.
Many of the injuries that occur on scaffolds involve falling objects, so wearing a hard hat can go a long way toward preventing serious injury. Non-slip footgear and fall arrest equipment are also important when working on platforms.
2. Mind load limits
Scaffolding materials and designs are made with specific load-bearing capabilities in mind. Choosing components that aren’t sufficient for the types of loads you intend to use in your work will pose a serious risk to employees. Platforms may crack, break, or otherwise collapse entirely, causing serious injuries for anyone working in the vicinity.
3. Know all relevant regulations and standards
Each industry has its own regulations and standards to follow, and those regulations may vary from state to state (or even city to city).
Many of those regulations involve the use of scaffolding, so it’s important to know what the laws in your area dictate before setting up platforms. You could prevent an accident, and at the very least, you’ll avoid liability for failing to meet prescribed standards.
4. Inspect scaffolding materials
Before setting up your work platforms, you must inspect all of your materials before construction. Make sure none of the parts you use have any defects or damage that could compromise the structural integrity of your scaffolds.
Also, all parts should be sourced from the same manufacturer and designed to be used together. Mismatching parts can pose a major scaffolding hazard and lead to a structural failure.
5. Build properly
Follow any instructions provided by the manufacturer when building your scaffold. In particular, check that you are using the right types of bracings and fasteners. Jury-rigging these components is not an option since it could compromise the entire structure. It’s also recommended that you include guard rails when building your scaffold and use materials from quality manufacturers.
When building your scaffold, you also want to ensure the area is completely safe. A level ground surface works best (if possible), and you should try to avoid intersecting with power lines on your way up.
6. Inspect the site and equipment – again
After the scaffold has been erected, the need for inspections doesn’t go away. The area should be checked over regularly for hazards, defects, debris, or other factors that could cause a problem. A good time to perform these inspections is at the start of the workday to make sure the area is clear for that day’s shift.
7. Keep vehicles and heavy equipment clear
Vehicles and heavy equipment should always be kept clear of the scaffold’s base. Setting up barriers to prevent collisions with the base can keep the whole structure from toppling. In some cases, it may be necessary to have heavy equipment nearby. In those situations, make sure the equipment has enough clearance.
8. Stay organized
Tools and equipment should be kept organized and put away after use. At the end of each day, check that there are no tools or materials left on the platform—clutter could lead to trip and fall injuries, or they may pose a hazard for those working on lower levels.
9. Mind the weather
When working at height, you want to make sure the working conditions are safe. Working during harsh weather conditions or when other environmental hazards are present can increase the risk of serious injury.
For instance, high winds could pose a risk of injury to those working on the scaffold. If a storm has brought down a power line, that could create a scaffolding hazard as well.
10. Be fully licensed
Being fully licensed—and working with contractors who are licensed as well—prevents injuries since everyone working on the site is aware of the potential hazards present and the best ways to mitigate them. The process of becoming licensed often involves education and training, which in turn helps your team work safely.
11. Climb responsibly
Those who scale your scaffolding should exercise proper safety techniques when doing so. One tip is to make sure employees always have at least three points of contact with the structure at all times, meaning either one hand and two feet or two hands and one foot.
In addition, some parts of the scaffold such as cross braces shouldn’t be used for climbing—they’re not usually designed to support sheer weight on their own.

Hazard Category | Hazards | Controls |
Collapse of The Scaffolding | 1. Can occur if loads are placed on the scaffold in excess of its specified capabilities, or if personnel go onto scaffold which has been prohibited (i.e. scafftags removed.) | 1. Personnel working on scaffolding shall be aware of its intended supporting capabilitied and not overload the scaffold under any circumstances.
2. “Scafftags” shall be in place at all access points to the scaffold and specify the intended use of the scaffold. 3. If in doubt, Ask your suppervisor. 4. Requirements of scaffolding to be defined in site inductions. Scaffolds to be built in accordance with scaffold installation procedures. |
Falls of Personnel | 1. This can occur if personnel over balance and/or overstretch due to inadequate access to the required work area. | 1. Personnel who require access to an area outside that provided by the scaffold shall contact their supervisor so that adequate means of access can be provided.
2. Personnel shall not work outside the barriers of the scaffold unless suitable means of fall protection are provided i.e. harness, fall nets, etc. 3. Life jackets shall be worn when working near and/or over water. |
Unauthorized Access to Scaffolds | 1. Due to a lack of knowledge of operational sacfftag system. | 1. All personnel shall be aware of the “Scafftag system” operated on site.
2. Personnel who are unaware shall contact their immediate supervisor so that adequate training and/or information can be given. 3. The scafftag system shall be adhered to at all times. 4. Personnel shall not access a scaffold if the “Scafftag Insert” has been removed or if the scafftag itself is not in place. |
Falls of Materials | 1. This can occur if materials, tools plant and equipment become dispaced and from from the scaffool. | 1. Adequate means of fall protection shall be implemented (i.e. wire/ plastic fall guards) If materials, tools plant and/or equipment are to be stored on the scaffold.
3. Personnel shall ensure that materials stored on the scaffold are stored in a safe manner. |
Damage to Scaffold Boards | 1. Caused by spillage of chemicals/substances and/or by continuous grinding, burning or gouging processed onto the boards. | 1. Personnel shall ensure those spillages of chemicals / substances onto scaffold boards are reported to the scaffolding foreman so that they may be replaced (if necessary).
2. Fire blankets shall be on boards to protect them from hot sparks / molten metal, etc. Which will weaken the scaffold boards. |
Damage to Scaffold Boards | 1. Caused by the ignition of waste materials (paper,rags, etc.) on the scaffold and inevitably the ignition of the boards themselves.
2. This would be extremelly dangerous in hazardous areas, i.e. gas or oil production platform. |
1. Waste materials shall be removed and disposed of on a daily basis to reduce the possibilities of fire and additional loading on the scaffolding.
2. Fire extighishers shall be placed on all levels of scaffold for use in the event of emergency. Fire hose reels shall also be located nearby (if abailable). 3. Fire points signs shall be erected so they can be seen easily from distance. 4. Working platform shall be fully planked and tied properly with toe board and guard rails. |