As soon as the sun comes out we all feel a little more light hearted, however during the spring, summer and autumn months too much sunlight could be bad for the skin.
In case of Europe, according to a report released in 2020 by the Swedish Radiation Safety Authority, Sweden has about 40 cases of skin cancer per 100,000 people per year. This figure is almost consistent with the cases of Australia and New Zealand, which have the highest number of skin cancer patients in the world.

· Ultraviolet rays, UVA penetrates deep into the skin and cause ageing whilst UVB are the burning rays.
· High temperatures that could cause various adverse health conditions such as heat stroke or exhaustion.
· High levels of illumination which could be visually disabling such as a banksman looking directly into sunlight.
· The long term effects of exposure resulting in skin cancers.

[Health and Safety Points]
· People with fairskin is most at risk of suffering from over exposure.
· Sunburn hurts and if its very bad we can feel sick or dizzy, think of the implications of working at heights if you get dizzy.
· The best protection is to shade your skin form the direct sunlight.
· Ordinary clothing made from close woven fabric such as a long sleeved shirt and jeans (not dark coloured) will stop most of the Ultra Violet rays.
· Wear your helmet at all times, a hanging flap can protect the back of your neck if you work leaning forward such as kerb laying.
· Keep your shirt on, don’t be tempted to leave off your shirt, skin that hasn’t seen the sun for months burns easily.
· The first warning sign is often a small scabby spot which does not clear after a few weeks. Look for changed or newly formed moles or any skin discoloration.
· If you notice any of these signs consult your doctor and explain you have an outdoor job.
· Have shade available, keep drinking water at hand and cool yourself down regularly.
· Sufferers should take a cool shower or take the heat out of the skin by generously applying a non-perfumed emollient cream to rehydrate the skin. If the problem is adverse then medical advise may have to be sought.
Heat Stress 가 아닌 자외선 노출 중점입니다.^^
눈에 보이지 않죠!! 적외선/자외선… 하지만 공기와 같이 우리 주변에 있다는걸 알고 있습니다. 관리해야겠죠!!
저는 피부가 까매서… 중국가면 중국인, 필리핀가면 필리피노, 베트남가면 베트나미로 통합니다. 길 물어 보시는 분들도 가끔 만나구요. 이건 장점이겠죠!!^^;;;
일사병/열사병 관리도 필요하지만 썬크림 꼭 바르시구요. 긴팔셔츠 꼭 필요합니다.
산업안전보건관리비로 안전모 햇볕가리개는 사용가능하니 직사광선에 노출되는 근로자에게는 필수품으로 지급이 필요할 것 같습니다.
개인적으로 안전모에 공기구멍이 있었으면 하는데… 안전보건공단 인증품이 한정되어 있고 단가가 높아 일반용 안전모로 모든 근로자 지급이 쉽지 않습니다만 고려해 볼 필요가 있습니다.
추가로 안전모 내 양배추 한장을 집어 놓으면 좋다는 얘기도 들어봤습니다. 참고하세요.

제 일화로써, “시원한 데이” 이벤트 행사로 근로자에게 여름철 수박을 지급해드렸는데…
준비하고 수박 잘라드리는데, 집중해서 사진을 못찍었네요 ^^;;;;;;
당시 현장소장님, 공무팀장님께 허락받고 현장 복리후생비로 처리했던 기억이 있습니다.
꼭 증빙 잘 챙기세요. 산업안전보건관리비!!!!