Every year children and other members of the public are killed and injured because construction / maintenance activities don’t have been adequately controlled. Accidents happen when workers forget that site activities can affect the wellbeing of the general public either directly or indirectly, there is never any room for complacency, when an activity is being planned the public must be taken into consideration.

- Insecure site perimeter or boundary
- Unlocked and unsecured plant and vehicles. Insecure materials and storage areas.
- Unguarded excavations and unfinished scaffolds. Ladders left available and in place.
- Plant, materials and operatives encroaching into areas with public access.
- Remember when the law says that we are all responsible for the safety of ourselves and others, OTHERs includes everyone, Children, Trespassers, Visitors even Thieves.
- Always maintain the perimeter fence to prevent public access, close gates and gaps as soon as practical.
- Access to site must be controlled. The site safety plan will specify the procedure that must be followed.
- When cranes, excavators or cherry pickers are being used make sure that all parts remain within the site at all times so as not to endanger road vehicles or the public, if this is not possible traffic management will be needed.
- Make sure that materials cannot be made unsafe by trespassers or vandals, keep stacks low, keep round materials on their flat sides or use a chocking system that cannot be easily defeated (substantial earth bank instead of small wooden wedge).
- If security guards are employed make them aware of any particular hazards (to both guards and public)
- Visitors must be made aware of any special hazards and should be told of the site rules.
- A scaffold looks just like a climbing frame to children so prevent easy access, remove or board ober ladders when they are not in use.
- Excavations and other “holes” can cause injuries if persons fall in, especially if they are deep or have additional hazards in the bottom such as reinforcement bars or water.
- Materials such as sand are another temptation to children, keep them secure.
- Products used in construction can be used for solvent abuse and other illegal purposes and must be kept secure.
- Access should be prevented to flammable materials or gas cylinders, to protect the public and the works.
- The plant must be secured when unattended, make it difficult to be moved by children, vandals and thieves. For example place buckets and forks on the ground, park on the level with wheels chocked, secure all covers and cover doors and windows with security covers.
- Make sure that action is taken to prevent dust, smoke, noise and sparks being either a nuisance or hazard to the public, example are, damp down haul roads to prevent dust blowing across roads and gardens. If fires are allowed make sure that wind direction is considered so that smoke does not reduce visibility on adjacent roads, use sound suppressed equipment or work at less sensitive times.
- Before leaving work check your area, will granny be safe looking for her lost dog at three o’clock in the morning? if not DO SOMETHING!!
- What special group of people do we have to be especially aware of?
- How can plant and vehicle drivers help protect the public?
- How can access onto scaffold be prevented?
The public must be pretected at all times from our activities and presence. Think of how the site will be at night and guard against the hazards.