Confined Space Work – 제한된 공간에서 이루어지는 작업을 의미하고, 밀폐공간작업이 지칭합니다.
Confined Space Work의 가장 위힘한 점은 사고 발생시 일반재해로 연결보다는 중대재해로 연결되는 사고가 많은 점 입니다. 또한 사고를 발견한 사람(최초 목격자)이 급한 마음으로 구조 활동을 할 경우에 산소 결핍 또는 화학물질 흡입 등으로 동일한 재해를 얻을 수 있다는 점입니다.
밀폐공간작업을 수행해야 한다면 주변에 많이 알리세요. 관리감독자/근로자 등 누구나 이곳에서 밀폐공간작업이 이루어지고 있구나 인식할 수 있도록 해야합니다.
밀폐공간작업 특성상, 식별이 용이하지 않고, 내부에 무슨일이 어떻게 이뤄지는지 외부에서는 확인이 어렵습니다.
아래 내용은 Confined Space Work에 대한 특별안전교육 교안입니다.
기본적인 내용으로 구성되어 있구요. 편하게 이해하신다고 생각하고 봐주시면 좋겠습니다.

[ What is Confined Space? ]
Confined Space that :
▶ Is large enough and so confinured that an employee can enter bodily and perform work
▶ Has limited or restricted means of enty or exit
▶ Is not designed for continuous human occupancy
[ Typical Confined Spaces ]

[ The Cause of Injuries ]

[ Potential Hazards ]

[ Before Allowing Entry ]

[ Atmospheric Test ]

[ LELs & UELs of Common Gases ]

[ Atmospheric Test – Oxygen ]

[ Atmospheric Test ]
Always test the air at various levels to be sure that the entire space is safe
[ Ventilation ]
Continuous Forced-Air Ventilation
▶ Must be capable of eliminating the atmospheric
hazard while entrants are inside the space.
▶ Must be directed to or away from the immediate
area of the entracts and remain operatioinal
▶ Must come from a clean source and not increase hazards

[ Permit System – Prior to Entry ]

[ Responsibilities of Supervisor ]

- Know, understand and ensure the completion of the training requirement of the authorized entrants and attendants as outlined in their requirement & responsibilities
- Ensure the entry permit is completely and properly filled out and verify that the air monitoring has been done conrrectly
- Verify that either external or internal rescue services are available
- Require all unauthorized entrants to leave the area
- Know the signs and symptoms of exposure for the hazardous atmospheres encountered
- Ensure that keep the permit conditions originally
[ Responsibilities of Authorized Entrants ]

- Know how to use all equipment properly
- Know the signs and symptoms of exposure to hazardous atmospheres and how to perform self-rescue
- Know the evacuation signal, and understand that the attendant can initiate immediate evacuations requiring all entrants to exit
- Remain in constant communication with the attendant
- Be properly trained on all anticipated hazards
- The entrant recognizes any warning signs or symptoms of exposure to a dangerous situation
- The entrant detects a condition that is not allowed on the permit
[ Attendants ]

[ PPE – Personal Protective Equipment ]

[ When the Job is Done ]

[ Notice ]

[ Closing ]