▶ All lifting devices and every part thereof must be in good mechanical operating condition, free from defect
▶ Lifting devices are properly inspected, maintained, and affixed with certifications stickers
▶ All operators must possess a valid natioinal specific license and be certified by Organization
▶ All riggers must be certified by Organization
All lifting equipment used must have valid test certificate
of competency to any approved third party inspections and certification
All operators carry out a daily pre-operational
inspection on all crane & lifting equipment listed
A copy of the manufacturer’s operator’s manual must be abailable
1. All crane lifts must have a trial lift prior to the actual lift
2. Engineer must investigate the stability and bearing capacity of the soil to locate a crane
3. Before beginning any crane operation, All employees related must have a tool box meeting
4. Establish barriers and boundaries
5. Suitable knot-free and defect-free lines must be used to control suspended loads
6. No crane must operate closer than 6 meters to power lines unless such line have been isolated or insulated by Organization
7. Welding or modification on load hooks and other lifting equipment is strictly forbidden
8. Any load that keeps eight-five percent(85%) of the crane’s rated load capacity or manufacturer’s specifications for that specific lift
9. Must be equipped with properly working Rated Capacity Load Limiters (RCLs) and anti two-block devices or two-block damage prevention features for all points of two blocking
10. Standard must not be performed in wind speeds exceeding 9m/s
11. All cranes must have their safe working load rating clearly visible
12. When outriggers are used, They shall be extended or deployed according to the crane load rating chart specifications
13. Crane windows must be clean all times during the work
14. Use of any mobile phone function is strictly prohibited during operations
15. The crane operator must not leave the controls at any time while a load is attached
Any crane working near energized powr-lines
All critical lifts require an approved Lift Plan
All wire rope slings must be manufactured, inspected, and load tested by a recognized manufacturer with SWL (Safe Working Load)
– Damaged wire rope sling must be destroyed at the site
– All employees comply with Color Coding procedure
* Rigging Protectioni from Cutting or Slipping
Hooks must be fitted with a safety latch on the hook opening or the hook must be designed
so that the slings cannot be escaped
▶ Recognize load description & Safety equipment (=device) before use it
▶ Judge a center of loads & load’s information such as length, weight etc.
▶ Perform to select the most safety method of lifting
작업 전 안전미팅(TBM)은 현장에서 소규모로 단시간에 진행하는 회의로 안전 확보를 위한 세부 작업방법 등을 논의하고…
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2019년~2023년 데크플레이트 붕괴 관련 사망사고는 9건, 사망자 수는 15명이었다. 데크플레이트 붕괴로 인한 사망사고는 빈번하게 발생하지는…