Near Miss (아차사고)

Near Miss  is an incidnet which potentially could have caused an injury or occupational illness and/or damage (loss) to people, assets, the environment or reputation

but which did not.

These are incidents which occurred without injury or damage to life or property.

* OSHA defines a near near miss as an incident in which no property was damaged and no personal injury was sustained, but where, given a slight shift in time or position, damage or injury easily could have occurred. Near misses also may be referred to as close calls, near accidents, accident precursors, injury-free events and, in the case of moving objects, near collisions.

near miss
near miss


아차사고 (Near Miss) 란,

잠재되어 있는 사고요인을 근로자가 사전에 발견했거나 사고조건이 부합되지 않아 실제 재해로 연결되지 않은 사고

* Near Miss 는 그냥 지나치지 마세요 ^^ 아주 중요한 위험요인 입니다. 

  우리 일상생활에서도 관심을 갖고 찾을 수 있구요. 이는 좋은 개선방안을 통해 특허등록도 고려해보세요~

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